GTA Online’s Cayo Perico Heist has become a big fan favorite ever since it was released back in November 2020. Here’s how they did it.

GTA Online’s latest major update has added a brand new heist named “Cayo Perico” into the game. According to the fanbase, it is one of the most profitable and funniest heists ever released – bringing players to a completely new island.

In this article, we are going to list out the top 5 facts about GTA Online’s Cayo Perico Heist that you might not know

5 – Cayo Perico is the first solo heist in GTA Online

Doing heist is a great way to make money in GTA Online, however, you have to rely on other people for that. This makes doing heists really frustrating at times, as people are not always available to play or competent enough to pull the heist off.

GTA Online’s Cayo Perico Heist Solo Guide

The Cayo Perico heist, on the other hand, can be done solo. You can just learn it by heart then blitz through it by yourself to grind money. It is possible to play the heist with the usual 4 man team if you want to, of course.

4 – This is the first location released outside of Los Santos

No GTA game before this has had any DLC that occurs outside of the main city. Usually, Rockstar would just add new buildings and structures on the old map instead of creating a brand new one. In the heist, players can somewhat explore the new island of Cayo Perico. The location has great aesthetics – unlike anything you have seen before in the base game.

Heist Setup for Cayo Perico

>>> Also check: How To Do Heists In GTA 5 Online?

3 – The clock would stop still after awhile

Apparently, the heist only lasts for 7 hours canonically. After 7 hours, time itself would stop. If the player picked the daytime approach, the mission would be from 12:00 to 19:00. If they picked the nighttime approach, the mission would start at 22:00 and last until 05:00.

Daytime approach to Cayo Perico

This means your overall surrounding and the NPC routine will not suddenly change.

2 – Two new unlockable weapons

The player should be able to unlock two new weapons upon completion of Cayo Perico: the Perico Pistol and Combat Shotgun. The former can be found in a locked drawer in El Rubio’s office. To unlock it, you need a key from a random even in San Andreas. This means players still need to do some prep work to get everything.

The Perico Pistol in Gta Online

>>> Read more: Top 5 Most Expensive Vehicles In GTA Online

The Combat Shotgun, on the other hand, can be found randomly during the heist. Unlike the Perico pistol, players don’t get to keep it after the heist – they need to buy it in Ammu-nation.

1 – Animal appearances

While GTA 5 features animals, Rockstar has removed them altogether from GTA Online for some reason. Usually, players can only see an animal if they use a Peyote Plant to transform into one. Strangely, a few animals do show up in Cayo Perico.

Cayo Perico’s pet panther inside a cage

The first one is El Rubio’s panther, which can be found in a cage next to English Dave. The Panther is harmless – it can’t harm the players at all. The second one is a beached whale that sometimes shows up on the northeastern side of the island. Its spawn rate is about 50%.

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